Mullins Podiatry provides holistic and professional care, diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower limb problems for people of all ages.

General treatment of the foot is a core part of our podiatry practice – we believe that prevention is better than the cure. Whether you are unable to self-care, have foot pathology associated with a chronic condition such as diabetes, or are putting your feet through the stresses of daily living, we treat all skin and nail pathology including, but not limited to, the following:

Corns & Callus
Ingrown, fungal and deformed nails
Warts & Blisters
Athlete’s foot (tinea)
Foot pain
Heel pain (plantar fasciitis)
Bunions & Hammer toes
Diabetes assessments
Footwear education

These conditions are often painful and recurring, and can be easily and painlessly treated during a consultation at Mullins Podiatry. General treatments when performed regularly provide maintenance of foot health, preventing pain and further complications.


Orthotics are customised devices that sit underneath the foot and inside the shoe to correct the way in which the foot moves. Orthotic devices are used to control foot mechanics and encourage optimal lower limb alignment, and to assist in alleviating the pain caused by abnormal foot and lower limb alignment which leads to tissue stress.

At Mullins Podiatry we recognise the need for your prescription orthotics to be based on a practitioner / patient collaboration and to be individually tailored for your specific sport, activity or lifestyle choice. Your prescription may include real time analysis post prescription and will involve extensive follow up.

Nail Surgery

Nail surgery is a procedure performed to effectively treat an ingrown toenail -a nail that has pierced the skin causing pain and inflammation and sometimes infection.

Surgery may be required when an ingrown toenail repeatedly gets infected, is continually painful, the patient is unable to wear shoes or the condition inhibits work, sporting or other activities.

Before surgery is recommended, your podiatrist will explore other conservative treatment options.
Surgery is conducted on the premises, involves local anaesthesia and includes follow up dressings and reviews.


If you are concerned about how your child is walking or running, or how their feet are developing, at Mullins Podiatry we are passionate about looking after the health of your child’s feet. We will create a comfortable and relaxed environment for your child to be assessed.